
Google Public Data Explorer

I made the chart above using the new Public Data Explorer from Google. It doesn't have the capability to upload your own data set yet, but it's still pretty nifty. As is usually the case, the way the data set is structured has a huge impact on the ease of analysis. Some of the data sets have better categorization than others, and it isn't possible to select a whole set of variables at one time, which would be nice. As tools go, it's really easy to get the html needed to embed in any website. The base visualizations are really clean, which is fantastic, but the tool doesn't give much flexibility in terms of combining seemingly unrelated data sets (like showing rate of unemployment and HIV infection on the same chart). I'm looking forward to seeing how Google will handle the data uploading issue, as well as the continued development of the data files. Nat Torkington just wrote an illuminating post on open data formatting issues. I hope that (as he suggests) open data will follow in the model of the open source community.

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