
A few ground rules

Over the past week I've been pondering the definition of what exactly a museum is, so I've decided to consult wikipedia for a definition as defined by... well... the groupthink that is wikipedia, so for the purposes of this endeavor, a museum will be defined as a: "permanent institution in the service of society and of its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment, for the purposes of education, study, and enjoyment", which apparently is the definition ratified by ICOM, or the Internation Council of Museums.

So now that I've been able to do a little thinking about this little project o' mine, I've decided on a few ground rules:

1. Each location I visit must be within the 5 boroughs of New York City (sorry Jersey, but it just ain't happening)

2. Each site must be accessable using my trusty unlimited metro card- public transportation only, people!

3. Each museum must be open to the public, with regular hours and no appointment needed.

I'm using the list compiled by the fine folks at nymuseums.com as a starting point for the locales I'll be checking out, but if there are any that I've missed, I hope my prospective readership will help me out with suggestions. So wish me luck! And if there are any museums you'd like to check out with me, drop me a line. It's gonna take a couplea years to get this done, and I'd sure like the company.



The mission....

So i've been living in New York for about two and a half years, and I've gotta say, I haven't really done much. It's not that there isn't anything to do, far from it. The overabundance that New York offers can be a little, well, daunting for a person such as myself, so I've devised a mission. One museum, every week, until there aren't any museums anymore. I of course made this declaration last Friday at HiFi in full view of the Boyz, so I'm afraid I may be held to it. Of course, I was fairly certain that there are quite a few museums, but I had no idea what I was just committed to. According to nymseums.com, there are 183 museums in and around the New York metropolitan area, so I think I'll start with the free ones.
Stay tuned...